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World of Warcraft provides a variety of unique classes and specializations to select from. They have different vibes and aesthetics, gameplay, and playstyle, so any player will find something that likes. But one class sticks out among the rest. These agile fighters can tame wildlife to ass

Today we at WowVendor expose you to the surface of the best hunter pets to tame in WoW. Of course, what's the best here purely depends upon the matter of perspective. Some may value looks, others — beneficial gameplay abilities, etc. So when we did our research, we considered both of these factors, along with other stuff, like rarity, or unique features. Let us begin with our top hunter pets in WoW.

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We will begin our listing having a beautiful astral cloud serpent, also called Elegon. This gorgeous creature is breathtaking. It will be the reason behind many decreasing their jaw in awe and getting where they first got it. Sad news for Marksmanship and Survival specializations — Elegon is one of the Exotic groups and may only be tamed by Beastmasters. But this celestial dragon is worth it — the Spirit Beast (Tenacity) category it is associated with is considered among the best pets for any hunter. So your pet may have a stellar performance in most aspects.

To receive Elegon, you need to visit Mogu'shan Vaults, located at Kun-Lai Summit (60.0; 40.0). Second, towards the last boss of the raid, the astral serpent can be simply tamed by any Beastmaster who reached the amount cap. Various sources mention that it's important to learn how you can tame cloud serpents. Others say you don't have that.


Another Exotic contender on our listing of best hunter pets to tame is the armored creature, also called Faultline. The unique appearance is one of the Clefthoofs family, which are considered the very best pets for solo gaming. They can tank lots of damage, in addition, to healing it back because of their Leech and passive, which upgrades their healing. An absolute menace around the battlefield, and Iron Horde Clefthoof has looks to complement it.

To acquire one to appear inside your collection, you need to visit the Blackrock Foundry raid, situated in Gorgrond (51.4; 28.7) from the Warlords of Draenor expansion. One of the early bosses there, Beastlord Darmac, as his HP falls, summons various war beasts. Faultline is one kind of them.


Although there's a great number of pets for cat lovers, one type sticks out among them probably the most. Panthers have various multicolor forms, which makes them cool hunter pets. The trick is that they require extra effort to tame, compared to the other kitties. To get this type of wild cat, first, you have to farm some Fresh Talbuk Meat on Argus. After that, look for a beast from the desired color and stick to the next simple steps. 1) Use a Freeze Trap around the beast. 2) Use Feign Death to get rid of the aggro. 3)Throw the Talbuk Meat right on the surface of the animal. 4) Tame it even though it is busy! Two variants could be tamed normally, like Naroura or Shadow Stalker. But the trick above is essential to tame other colors.


An illustration of a rare hunter pet in the scorpion family. They are beneficial in various types of content given that they provide both advantages of Ferocity and rare Anti-Healing abilities. To get a unique Fire Scorpion, you have to be patient. The creature lives at Magma Springs of Molten Front. It can spawn in a pool of lava as Lost Emberspit Scorpion. And awaiting this enemy to spawn can certainly take hours.


A challenge was introduced within the Legion expansion. This legendary wolf from Vrykul myths awaits you in the Halls of Valor. To receive this pet, you have to defeat Fenryr within the aforementioned Halls of Valor on Mythic difficulty. Another part of the challenge would be to do it solo, like a hunter. You must first defeat Hymdall, to help you proceed to your wolf, awaiting you in the Fields from the Eternal Hunt. After you get triumph, a tamable version will appear within the cave in which you fought the beast.


One of the very best hunter pets introduced in Dragonflight is Fey Darters, also called Fairy Dragons. Yes, we can finally tame these iconic and adorable creatures which were introduced in the WoW universe in Warcraft III. Thanks to a choice to tame Lesser Dragonkind, introduced within the new expansion, hunters may also tame Veilwings and Hornswogs. To do that, you have to earn renown level 23 with Valkdrakken Accord, while playing as Hunter — with this, you're going to get How to Train a Dragonkin tome. Playing other classes won't reward you.


Although each one of these dangerous noodles makes cool pets for hunters, among their kind is very tricky to obtain. Yes, we are referring to Shadow of Dambala. To acquire one, you need to be a part of the Night Fae covenant and get the Cleansing the Forest quest at Renown 8. During the quest, you may have to fight Dambala. Wait for the enemy to summon clones, disengage, and employ Feign Death, letting you easily tame the purple snake. In case you've already done the quest — do not concern yourself! It is possible to fight Dambala again should you party sync with somebody that is currently on that quest.


Do you ever wish to have an adorable monkey wearing an adorable fez, much like Abu from Aladdin? Then refuse more! Welcome, Gib the Banana-Hoarder. This fancy rare fella waits for any new owner at Swamps of Sorrow (17.8; 48.0). A great addition to some pet collections if you are tired of various bloodthirsty predators or any other creatures. You have to have patience — Gib is kinda shy, also it takes some hours for him to spawn.

This could it be for our top unique hunter pets. These aren't all of them, only a tiny fraction, but we attempted to list the ones that can satisfy the taste of both new hunters and collectors alike. We hope this list can help you look for a new companion for the WoW adventures. See you all searching and taming those rarest creatures of Azeroth, fellow hunters!

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