Is 7 wonder city Peshawar legal?

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When you think of Pakistan, one of the first places that comes to mind is probably Peshawar. Well, if you’re thinking 7 wonder city Peshawar then you would be wrong.

When you think of Pakistan, one of the first places that comes to mind is probably Peshawar. Well, if you’re thinking 7 wonder city Peshawar then you would be wrong. Yes, this bustling city is located in the northwestern part of Pakistan and it has been dubbed “the city of seven wonders” due to its impressive list of tourist attractions. But is 7 wonder city Peshawar legal? The short answer is no, it isn’t. In fact, 7 wonder city Peshawar is technically an illegal city and authorities are currently trying to take it down. Here’s why:


Peshawar is a city located in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. It has a population of over 1.5 million and is considered one of the most important cities in Pakistan. Peshawar was founded in 1709 by Mirza Ghulam Ahmed, an Islamic prophet who founded the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. The city became known as "Wonderer of the World" because of its many famous mosques and Gurudwaras.

In 1893, Peshawar became capital of British Raj after the Durand Line Agreement was signed between Britain and Afghanistan. The city prospered with the influx of British colonists and during World War II, it served as headquarters for British Indian Army. However, after independence in 1947, Peshawar saw a decline in its importance and economy.

Since the 1990s, Peshawar has seen a resurgence in its economy due to its strategic location and proximity to other major cities such as Islamabad and Rawalpindi. Additionally, Peshawar is home to several powerful political families including the Zardari family and Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam (F).

Due to these positive developments, many are questioning whether or not wonder city Peshawar is actually legal. Specifically, there have been reports that the city is rife with corruption and mismanagement. For example, there are allegations that Mayor Tahir Mehmood Khan has been stealing money from the city treasury for years. Furthermore, there

What is Peshawar?

Peshawar is the capital of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, in the northwestern region of Pakistan. Situated on the banks of River Peshawar, Peshawar has been an important trade and cultural center for centuries. The city's name is derived from the Pashto word "pishwara," meaning fortress or castle. Peshawar was founded in 1727 by Mir Wais Khan, a nobleman from Ahmednagar. The city quickly became a center of trade and commerce and came to be known as "the Queen of the North." In 1839, Peshawar became the provincial capital of what was then British-controlled territory in the North-West Frontier Province (NWFP). Peshawar remained a major commercial center throughout the years, and during World War II it served as one of the main supply bases for British forces in India. After independence in 1947, Peshawar quickly grew into an important political and cultural center. Today, it is one of Pakistan's most popular tourist destinations and is also home to several universities and colleges.

Is Peshawar a legal city?

Peshawar is a city located in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Peshawar has been ruled by the Durrani dynasty since its establishment in 1747. Until 2002, Peshawar was the capital of the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA). It is now the fourth-largest city in Pakistan.

Peshawar is physically located in the southern edge of the Khyber Pass and was one of several strategic locations used by various empires during their invasion and occupation of Afghanistan. Peshawar served as a trade center for Central Asia and West Asia between antiquity and medieval times. The city was visited by Alexander the Great during his invasion of India in 326 BC. In 1814, Peshawar became part of British Raj after defeating Afghan ruler Dost Mohammad Khan at the Battle of Jamrud.

Peshawar has had a turbulent history due to its strategic location and has been invaded multiple times by different empires including the Soviet Union, China, United States, and Afghanistan. In 2002, Peshawar became an autonomous province within Pakistan after being carved out from FATA. However, due to political instability within Pakistan, Peshawar has not been able to maintain its status as an autonomous province and continues to face various challenges such as terrorism and poverty.


As is the case with any law, there are exceptions to every rule. Based on the information provided, it seems that 7 wonder city Peshawar is most likely within the bounds of legality. However, as always, it's a good idea to consult an attorney if you have any doubts about anything related to legal matters. In the meantime, enjoy your visit!
