What are 4 ways to prevent a sports injury?

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Dr. Puneet Mishra MBBS, MS - Orthopaedic Surgeon He has over 18+ years of experience in Orthopaedics and over a decade of experience in complex fractures of Acetabulum and Pelvis and has treated more than 500 such cases over last 15 years.

There are four primary ways to prevent a sports injury: warm up properly, use the proper equipment, follow the rules of the game, and train appropriately. If you are facing pain consult the Best Orthopaedic Surgeon in north Delhi


Warming up properly helps to prepare your body for physical activity and can help prevent injuries. A good warm-up should include light aerobic activity and stretch.


Using the proper equipment is important for both safety and preventing injuries. Make sure you have the right shoes for your sport and that they fit properly. If you wear protective gear, such as a helmet or mouthguard, make sure it fits correctly and is in good condition.


Following the rules of the game helps to keep everyone safe and can prevent injuries. Be familiar with the rules of the sport you are playing and follow them closely.


Following the rules of the game is another way to stay safe. If you're playing a contact sport, be sure to wear the proper padding and know the rules about hitting or tackling.


Finally, see a knee Replacement Specialist in North Delhi if you have any pain or discomfort. It's better to be safe than sorry!
