Why Sports Physiotherapy Profitable for Female

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Nowadays, the problem of body pain in the run-of-the-mill life can usually be seen in more people and in this blog we are going to talk about women and know why physiotherapy is necessary for women.

Due to their physical structure and biological difference, women are more prone to injury than men. This increases the chances of musculoskeletal injuries and medical problems in women. and we can go Best Physiotherapist in Jaipur for better suggestions.

Talking about body composition, women have higher estrogen levels and higher body fat and lower muscle mass, so they are more likely to loose ligaments. Due to this, they are more prone to back pain, injuries to knees and ankles. Biologically, due to the menstrual cycle, the level of hormones in women keeps changing monthly, as well as due to lack of proper calories and nutrition, women are more prone to osteoporosis.

Benefits and Importance of Physiotherapy

In such a situation, they can easily become a victim of foot or leg fracture. In addition, women tend to keep their knees closer together when standing, using one leg when jumping or changing direction, further increasing the likelihood of injury in female athletes.
Considering all these factors, it is necessary for women athletes to focus on fitness, proper diet and better care. Here Sports Physiotherapy importance becomes very important, which can identify muscle weakness, stiffness and imbalance caused by biomechanics and keep them safe from injury through 'prehabilitation'.for treatment we can go best physiotherapy center in Jaipur because that provides physiotherapy in Jaipur.

How Physiotherapy Helps Treat Injury 

Physiotherapy management is easy when started within the first few hours to three days after the injury. In such cases, RICE- Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation plays the role of first aid. Female athletes with longer pain duration than males She is often troubled by repeated injuries. In such cases manual therapy, massage, dry needling, tapping, IASTM, cupping, progression strengthening exercises can be effective to treat the injury and prevent its recurrence. for best treatment you need to go Best Physiotherapy hospital in Jaipur and hire best doctor.