Things To Know About The Pap Smear Test

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A pap smear test detects abnormal cervical cells in the services. Pap smear urgent care clinics such as North Hills urgent care help with these lifesaving tools. Here are things to know about pap smears.

Regular gynecologist visits mean that you undergo particular tests and procedures from time to time to prevent certain ailments. Although most women avoid gynecological tests until they experience particular systems, it is critical to get needed examinations and tests annually, including pap smears. Suppose you are new to pap smear urgent care; you are at the right place. This article is all you need to know about these tests, their purpose, and their use.

What are Pap Smear Tests?

A pap smear test is a procedure to diagnose cervical cancer in women of all ages. Regular pap smear tests help in preventing and curing cervical cancer. You may wonder what pap smears mean, so we are here to explain. During a pap smear test, the gynecologist collects sample cells from your cervix for further examination. This is essential in early cervical cancer diagnosis, prevention, and cure.

Why are Pap Smears Necessary?

As mentioned above, pap smears screen cervical cancer in women of all ages. You should start getting these tests done from 21 ears to help prevent diagnosing unwanted changes in cells in the cervix. Do these tests detect human papillomavirus? Most women ask this question, but the truth is that most pap smear tests can merge with HPV tests to detect if it is present. Human papillomavirus disease is sexually transmitted and is the known cause of cervical cancer.

Who Should Get a Pap Smear Test?

A consultation session with a gynecologist will help you decide when it is best to get a pap smear test. Most urgent care providers recommend you start these tests at 21 years because your reproductive system will have fully developed. However, there is no universal formula since every woman is different and should understand and take care of her reproductive health.

How Often Pap Smear Should be Conducted?

However, often you should get pap smears as determined by your gynecologist. Generally, you need to get them after every three years once you turn 21. If you clock 30 years and older, you will need to get these tests after every five years combined with HPV tests.

Suppose a pap smear inflammation is present, or the provider detects any risk factors; they suggest you get tests often done regardless of age. Some of the risk factors include:

  • A weak immune system
  • Expose to DES before birth
  • Active smokers
  • An HIV infection
  • Abnormal pap smear tests or a cervical cancer diagnosis.

Ensure to inform your healthcare provider of everything potentially relevant to these tests. This will help them diagnose properly and offer you enough care and treatment.


A pap smear urgent care procedure is conducted to prevent and diagnose cervical cancer. Alongside other tests and procedures, it is an effective way to help treat women diagnosed with cervical cancer or other precancerous conditions. Always visit your gynecologist and be responsible for your reproductive health. The procedure is fast, and you can continue your normal activities once you are done.

