You say -Only in reality, he found that.

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She can not leave Bian Jinrong is not afraid of their own can not find people, she has money, it is not easy to find a man?

Bian Mengfei, a student who just graduated from junior high school, can have very elementary means of revenge. He bought a box of braised beef instant noodles and a bottle of white pepper. He took out the soy sauce packets from each bag of instant noodles, opened them one by one, and squeezed them into a plastic bag. Then he went straight to Longsheng Garden with a plastic bag of soy sauce packets and pepper. In front of the door where Shi Hongling lives. While there was no one in the corridor, he smeared the oil sauce on the lock handle of the security door and around it, and then sprinkled a layer of pepper on it. He knew that this kind of low-level pediatric method could not play a role in punishment. He wanted to learn from the smart teenager in the American movie Alone at Home, to toss out all kinds of amazing punishment methods. Only in reality, he found that. Those are all imaginary, fabricated and exaggerated, and in fact they are difficult to do. His purpose is to give women and fathers a psychological blow, so that they lose their appetite and can not eat! After successfully smearing, Bian Mengfei thought that three days later, he would come with a bag of dog shit and let them touch the dog shit again and smell the smell of dog shit. After that, he's going to be worse. He's going to jam the lock with a toothpick and see how they get in. He did what he said. Three days later, he came to the door of the house again with dog shit. He was surprised that the layer of oil sauce and pepper on the security door was still the same, especially on the door lock and lock handle, which had not been touched at all. Just as he was wondering, the neighbor next door poked his head out and told him that 303 people had moved away. The house is unoccupied for the time being. When Bian Mengfei heard this,industrial racking systems, he felt defeated and frustrated. He really wanted to paste all the shit in the bag on the door. He gnashed his teeth more at his father. Revenge fails, but the heart of revenge is retained. He saw that his father would never say hello to him, would not talk to him, and would give him a cold look. One day, when his father came home to get something and saw him doing his homework, he patted him on the head and asked him with a smile who he would like to be with if his parents divorced? He gave his father a white look and said with his mother! Father is not angry, still gently said: "With me,warehousing storage solutions, the son should live with his father.". He glared at his father angrily and said "no" firmly! Father was still not angry, sighed, shook his head, and left helplessly. Bian Mengfei looked at his father's lost appearance, his heart was very happy, and he felt that this was a successful revenge. Then his mother came back, and he told her the story ingratiatingly. His mother showed a proud expression and praised him for his conscience. But quickly denied that her father wanted to divorce was a dream, she would not easily help her father and the bad woman! Bian Mengfei should say to his mother: "Yes, don't leave with him, see what he does!"! Later, Bian Mengfei discovered a strange phenomenon. Her mother sold the original two single beds in her and her father's house to the old furniture collector and replaced them with a brand-new double bed. Bian Mengfei felt strange that his mother and father were going to live together. He asked his mother, who smiled slyly and said that this was a necessary preparation for his father's divorce. Bian Mengfei naturally could not understand, and his mother would not explain to him. The room was locked up every day when her mother was not there, heavy duty cantilever racks ,shuttle rack system, saying that she could not let her father see her change the bed. She also told Bian Mengfei not to reveal to her father that she had changed the bed. And if anyone asks, it's always a double bed. Bian Mengfei naturally turned to his mother and promised. Quan Chan did what she said. For two years, every time Bian Jinrong received a summons from the court, he left full of hope and returned disappointed. Quan Chan insisted that the marriage could not be divorced. Not to mention whether they have love or not, Bian Jinrong had one of the most powerful reasons, that is, he had not been in the same room with Quan Chan for three years. Not to mention three years, four years are more than half. It was in 1994 that Quan Chan took the initiative to deal with their termination in order to have another child. Since then, it has never happened again. But in order not to divorce, Quan Chan firmly denied it, lying that before she found out that Bian Jinrong had an affair and separated, she had never had sex with Bian Jinrong. Bian Jinrong was angry and said that she was talking nonsense, saying that they had been sleeping in separate beds for many years, normal, which couple would sleep in separate beds! Quan Chan said that Bian Jinrong was lying. If they didn't believe it, they could go home to inspect and ask their son Bian Mengfei. She said justifiably, without the slightest hesitation, surprised Bian Jinrong speechless, he knew that this woman had done something. He was passive. The most adequate conditions for divorce cannot be fully used. Depending on other reasons, it is even more advantageous for Quan Chan. Fortunately, time can make up for the full conditions, the big deal is to delay for another two years. Bian Jinrong wants to wait for enough time to leave. Quan Chan dragged on, in addition to jealousy, revenge, punishment, the main thing is to have hope for Bian Jinrong, hoping that one day he can change his mind. She didn't want to leave Bian Jinrong. In the final analysis, all actions are for this reason. She can not leave Bian Jinrong is not afraid of their own can not find people, she has money, it is not easy to find a man? She took a fancy to Bian Jinrong to keep up with him, keep up with the person who took a fancy to live for such a long time, how can she easily give up? Remembering the years when they started their business and endured hardships together, what kind of emotional commemoration is that. She thought, she dragged, perhaps Bian Jinrong's impulsive energy to wear down. Bian Jinrong was a man of loyalty. He calmed down and thought about the twenty years they had gone through together, the hardships she had suffered with him, her kindness to him, and their common drive. He would not be indifferent. He thought in private that perhaps his heart would come back. She waited. Whenever she was immersed in such a fantasy late at night, she was always touched by her continuous thoughts. After a month and a month, two years passed, Quan Chan did not wait for Bian Jinrong to change his mind. She knew that if she waited any longer, the time for Bian Jinrong to have a good reason would come. She was a little flustered. She couldn't wait passively. She had to wipe away her self-esteem and take the initiative to fight for it. Quan Chan decided to express her thoughts to Bian Jinrong. Late one night, she invited Bian Jinrong home,mobile racking systems, and she wanted to have a long talk with him all night. She thought that late night was a time to calm people down, and that people were easily moved. And late at night, the children and the nanny are asleep.
