Male and female queens of time travel

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Zi Mo is better at putting on a show than he is. When he becomes an unfilial son, even if he tears his throat, Zi Mo will not go out.

Zi Mo asked worriedly, "Do you feel all right?" When I look at him, I seem to be always worrying him, always worrying him. Zi Mo, is your pay simple! Zi Mo, will you be at a loss? Zimo, do you think my life is ridiculous? Zi Mo: If I am reborn after death, will you recognize me in the vast crowd? Zi Mo? Zi Mo. What I can do for you is not to let you regret, I protect that child for you, do you hate me? "Zi Mo." "The fourth brother is here." "My mother has a way to send me back." "All right." Zi Mo quickly hugged me back. Mother gawked at me. Had she not seen me so happy for a long time. I'm sorry to worry you again. Small Yi.. I smiled at her forcefully. "I'm all right. Go and find old man Hu." "Yes, look for old man Hu, and Niang will go right away." She ran out in a panic, losing her proud calmness. Zi Mo put me on the bed. Grass in the side looking at me, expressionless, this girl I am a loss,304 stainless steel wire, Chou Qian you have to pay for my mental loss. Eleven, it's all my fault. It's none of your business. This day will come sooner or later. If it's not him, it will be someone else. Fortunately, it's him. I can handle it. Hurry up, Xiaoyi is hurt. Mother called old man Hu anxiously. Hu old man unhurriedly walked in, repeatedly can not open the beard: "Don't worry,mirror stainless steel sheet, skin trauma, can not die, after two days must be alive and kicking." Niang is red-eyed, do not have the mood to raise an argument with him: "You look to him quickly, this child..." Mother choked and wept silently. I am the only one for her. Anyone in this world can forget me, but she won't. Never. I can easily make her cry, make her laugh, can easily destroy her only dependence. It can be said that I am her faith, how can I live unhappily, there is a person who loves me, Stainless Steel Square Pipe ,Mirror Stainless Steel Sheet, has been behind me, praying for me from time to time. Bad old man, if you don't come here, I'll really die! When Niang heard this, her eyes turned even redder. It's too exciting to be exciting. Zi Mo frowned and said, "Doctor Hu, eleven of him.." "Don't scream. Can't I see it right away?" Old Hu wants to lift my clothes. Zi Mo made a move to stop him. Old Hu looked at him with his X eyes and said, "Boy, this girl has been working for me since she was six years old. You are ten years late now." Zi Mo removed his hand and looked embarrassed. Hu, you dare to bully my Zimo. Girl, you stare at me again. When you take the medicine, you will be miserable. " Who said that? And Chou Qian. The medicated diet at noon is very sweet. The old man put down his hand to examine my wound and said curiously, "Sikong Qian?" Nonsense. The whole East purged him. Who dares to call that name. They applied for a patent. 。 Zi Mo and Niang opened their mouths at the same time with cloudy faces: "No chatting." 。 " You are not allowed to hang up QQ! I shut my mouth obediently, and old man Hu was forced by his mother's Yan Wei and did not ask questions. quot; Take some medicine. Just rest for two days. " It's that simple. 。 " How complicated do you think? My lady. " Mother ignored old man Hu's teasing and sat beside me and asked, "How do you feel?" ? " quot; Pain 。 It's bound to hurt. 。 Niang immediately turned around and glared at Doctor Hu: "Think of a way not to let her hurt." 。 " quot; This …… Old Hu spread out his hands. : It's too hard. 。 " Zi Mo said rationally, "What medicinal materials do you need? Go to the Medicine Pavilion to get them." 。 " Old Hu smiled meaningfully at me and said, "Girl, don't forget my apprentice." ! I'll leave him to you. " What time, still care about your apprentice, you are still worried about yourself not to be your idol click! Zi Mo took old man Hu down. "He hit you," said Niang Zhengyan. 。 " I nodded. quot; Nothing I can resist this little injury. " Who is he to beat you? If I had known this, I would have married you to Shouping Wangfu. I see how many of them dare to touch you! " It's too late for that. I don't know how I'm doing over there without regret. If I get along well, I can let him take me in. " Mother Wen Yan threatened on the basis of crying face: "Do you dare to go?" Mother dares to join the army. " "Don't brag, no one wants you." "You.." Mother habitually raised her hand to hit me, and when she saw me so happy, she simply began to cry again. I'm speechless. Am I in pain or are you in pain? I haven't cried yet. Or we can cry together. [Text: Chapter 56] Zi Mo has been guarding me to recuperate, cheeky to call outside, and no one paid any attention to him. Mother was determined to break up with him this time. Zi Mo is better at putting on a show than he is. When he becomes an unfilial son, even if he tears his throat, Zi Mo will not go out. The whole family had a strange atmosphere these two days. Zi Mo and his father did not speak, the old woman and my mother did not speak, and Lu Su-su closed the door to thank the guests. I'm sick again. It's so lonely. I lie on the bed and watch Zi Mo work. Zi Mo occasionally finds time to smile at me. I count my hair in boredom. The emperor didn't think I was slow? "The emperor asked you to take good care of yourself and he will come to see you in two days." "Oh!" Come here in two days. You must be angry with me. He is stingy and has no stomach. If he wants to come, let him have a high tone. You tell him that if he is incognito, it will be saved. "What do you want to do?" Zi Mo asked clearly and did not intend to stop it. I counted a hundred and put them aside: "To improve my popularity, so that no one wants to fight." Hit me is the way to go. Zi Mo shook his head with a smile and buried his head in official business. I was lying in bed. I was really bored. I scratched my arm. I must have worms. If you don't bask in the sun on a cloudy day,Stainless Steel Seamless Pipe, it will be moldy. Let me sniff. Has it gone stale? The prime minister's adult, the son of a dog is clumsy, how can you visit in person? Eh! Chou Qian is coming. It's really interesting. A wise man is a wise man. He is more loyal than that stingy ghost.
