Prehistoric Terran

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He sensed that a monkey was constantly rushing in his direction and attacking himself.

Marotta tested his cultivation and felt that his cultivation had reached a certain level. Understanding in the martial arts also reached a certain level, as long as the opportunity to be able to break the river of fate, the fate of their own star out of the river of fate. Combine your own destiny with Wuhun, so as to match your own Dantian world and complete the shaping of the heart of the world. Push your martial arts to the peak. Marotta left his place of practice, began to set foot on the road of his tour. Once again the tour Marotta has been able to control their own state of mind, the Confucian saying: read thousands of books, travel thousands of miles. I have accumulated a certain amount of righteousness, but I don't have a good application method. Although this time oneself has defeated the heart evil spirit, but also is own noble righteousness is strong enough, has certain fluke factor. If your accumulation is not strong enough, you will suffer a lot of losses under the demons in your heart, and maybe it will destroy your whole body. In the end, he died. If you can cultivate noble righteousness well, then you can control your mood well. It can better resist the external demons and keep a heart of cultivation, which is also a kind of exercise for one's own will of martial arts. And the cultivation of noble righteousness is not achieved overnight, as long as you keep a good state of mind, cultivate a good righteousness in your heart, you can slowly cultivate that noble righteousness. Moreover, his travels are also in line with the Confucian way of cultivating noble righteousness. Marotta made up his mind, also do not stay,industrial racking systems, then toward the depths of the chaotic world. Marotta looked at the same chaotic world, slowly also feel the difference of the chaotic world. I haven't found it before, and I have been promoted with my cultivation. Marotta found that although the chaotic world is immutable, it is also full of impermanence. Chaotic Qi seems to be under control, converging in one direction. Although the rate of convergence is very slow, it never stops for a moment. Marotta thought in the direction of this convergence should be the center of the prehistoric world, or what is the treasure. Thinking of Marotta then along the direction of the convergence of Reiki,teardrop pallet racking, anyway, there is no direction. Maybe I can get my own chance, and I can have another promotion before the flood and famine. In this way, Marotta constantly toward their destination, not deliberately on the road, just to continue their own practice, slowly hone their heart of the warrior. Walking along Marotta suddenly felt the chaotic gas in front of the rapid convergence. Should be what treasure to be born, Marotta thought. As a result, Marotta slowly accelerated the speed of the forward, toward the direction of the gas convergence of chaos. Marotta finally came to the place where the chaotic vitality converges, only to see the chaotic vitality constantly converge. The internal chaotic gas is also constantly colliding, and the fierce collision makes the chaotic space slowly collapse. I saw the collapse of the space in the chaotic gas slowly gathered, from the gas slowly condensed into liquid, then the surrounding chaotic gas has a rapid convergence into the collapse of the space. The chaotic vitality of the liquid state quickly condensed into a solid state, push back racking system ,push back racking system, but all this did not stop. The chaotic vitality of the solid slowly changes the situation, a little bit of change, slowly divided into two solid groups, one big and one small, gradually forming a square shape below, slowly showing a line on the square. It is like a chessboard of Go. At this time, the chaotic gas on the chessboard is also constantly evolving, only to see that the chaotic gas is suddenly divided into two parts, one black and one white. The two groups of white and black did not stop splitting. Slowly, the two groups of white and black gradually divided into one hundred and eighty parts. Together, they were exactly three hundred and sixty parts, which was exactly the number of Zhou Tian. Slowly, the chaotic gas stopped converging with the formation of the treasure. The empty space around the chessboard was once again filled with chaos, and the chessboard was completely formed. Marotta see chessboard shape, then go to the chessboard, want to put away the chessboard. Although, most of the warrior will not be able to study the array. But Marotta's repair to a certain extent, by analogy, also have a certain understanding of the array. And Marotta dantian world has been perfected, all kinds of rules have a certain amount of dabbling, has mastered to a certain extent. But the array is mainly the application of the law, so Marotta against the array is also self-taught. Just as Marotta was about to take the chessboard, suddenly a chaotic airflow rushed down and hit the place where Marotta stood. Marotta see the air flow also don't care, directly punch the air flow. Still unhurriedly stretched out his hand to the chessboard, and then remembered that the chaotic airflow rushed over, but it was a little more powerful. Marotta put out the spirit, scattered around. He sensed that a monkey was constantly rushing in his direction and attacking himself. Marotta saw these also ignore, from the chessboard collected, forced out a drop of his blood, the chessboard a little refining, leaving his spiritual brand. At this time the chessboard is just formed, did not form too much spirituality, Marotta did not spend too much effort to subdue the chessboard. Finished these things, Marotta also don't leave, but standing there. Slowly wait for the arrival of the monkey. After a while, Marotta finally waited for the arrival of the monkey. He saw a monkey hundreds of feet high standing in front of him, and the monkey did not say that he was alive when he saw it. He raised the stick in his hand and attacked Marotta without saying a word. Marotta opened in front of the monkey, some anger in the heart, but also feel very funny. What a monkey. Marotta laughed and said to himself, "are all monkeys like this? So impatient." Although feel funny, but Marotta's hand did not stop. The hand slowly raised, as if it was not a big stick, but a ball of cotton wool. The monkey saw Marotta lightly stretched out a hand, do not put their own attack in the eye. The monkey heart is hard,pallet rack shelving, the ferocity in the heart is also inspired, all their strength on the stick, want a stick to eliminate Marotta here.
