Make death after spoiling daily life

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Make death after spoiling daily life

Xiao Duo didn't even look at him. "It serves him right," he said mercilessly and derisively. As soon as she had said this, the "ugly monster" who had caught Xiao 17 and come to Xiao Duo but had been ignored for a whole street was finally unable to hold back. She raised her eyebrows and eyes, and said in a cold tunnel: "Xiao Duo, this is your brother. You'd better be obedient or I'll kill him." When Xiao Duo heard this, there was a sarcastic smile on his lips and a disdainful coldness in his thin eyes: "Are you going to catch him to threaten me?"? Joke The word "joke" is low and cool and slightly raised, which is really noble, cool and contemptuous to the extreme. Xiao Duo, Hu Guifei, but you regard you as your own, Xiao Yue is your own brother who has grown up since childhood, do you dare to ignore his life and death? The masked woman coldly continued to threaten Xiao Duo. Xiao Duo didn't even talk to the woman this time. Instead, he lowered his head and said to Ah Yan in a low and soft tone, "Ah Yan, let's go back to the carriage first. It's too cold here." A Yan crouched in his arms, rubbed his itchy nose and nodded gently. For a moment, Xiao Duo held the inkstone in his arms and floated down to the ground, then took her by the hand and was about to leave grandly. Xiao Duo, don't you care about him? The masked woman is in a hurry. This gunpowder is not easy to get, who ever thought so wasted, it is not easy to catch the magic weapon, he actually does not care at all? "It's none of my business." Xiao Duo protected the woman in his arms more and more, carefully letting her avoid the tofu soup splashed on the ground. Brother Jiu.. Help me! Little Seventeen wanted to cry. He didn't want to die. The masked women looked at Xiao Duo's back without hesitation and looked at each other one by one. What could they do? I couldn't help but freeze there for a moment. But at this time,Warehouse storage racks, several shadows suddenly fell from the sky, sword light pressing, murderous look, masked women see this, have to fight. The leader of these people is Meng Han, he wiped the sweat on his forehead, picked up the sword, straight stab the masked woman,warehouse rack manufacturer, at the same time, there is a figure quickly forward, has been quickly seized from the masked woman's small 17. Inkstone heard the movement behind him, can not help but curious, looking back, but saw that the young 17 had been rescued, and rescued that person, it is usually looks like a good old man and a group of wood housekeeper. He is really a person with strong kung fu. Xiao Duo twisted her eyebrows slightly and covered her eyes with her slender and good-looking hands. "Don't look," she said in a dumb voice. He paused and pursed his lips. "What would you do if you were scared?" Next to the luxurious carriage, the young boy rubbed his shoulder, which had been imprisoned for a long time, and stared at Xiao Duo childishly: "Brother Jiu, you are not good to me. I will tell Niang when I go back!" Xiao Duo didn't even hum. The steward and Meng Han knelt there and said respectfully, "My subordinates are late. Please forgive me, Master Seventeen." Small 17 let go of the shoulder that rubbed half ring, shrug: "You step down first, Narrow aisle rack ,heavy duty racking system, I want to talk with my 9 elder brothers." As he spoke, his dark eyes shone with curiosity and he peeped into the carriage. The curtain of the carriage hung down, and he could not see inside, but, hey, he had already seen it. Brother Jiu of his family hides a charming girl in the golden house! In the carriage, Xiao Duo, holding the inkstone in his arms, asked the housekeeper in a faint voice, "Didn't I tell you to go back to Beijing? Why did you come back?" Big steward Chai knelt there and replied with trepidation, "Report back to the Ninth Master. The old slave really wanted to go back to Beijing, but on the way back to Beijing, he happened to meet the people of Yuxianglou who wanted to attack the Seventeen Young Master. The old slave wanted his men to go back and report to the master, while the old slave himself protected the Seventeen Young Master and followed him all the way." Little Seventeen curled his lips. "Since you followed me all the way, why did you let me fall into the hands of that ugly monster?" After a meal, the big housekeeper had to bite the bullet and continued, "The old slave wanted to see what kind of medicine this masked woman was selling. Who would have thought that she was not good enough?" Xiao Duo was too lazy to listen to them mention this. He immediately ordered, "Now that you're back, you don't have to go. Give your horse to Xiao 17 to ride, and you go to catch the cart.". ” As soon as the words came out, everyone was so surprised that they asked the housekeeper to drive the car? Small 17 also particularly discontented, justifiably tunnel: "Nine elder brothers, I do not ride a horse, ride a horse all the way to come, my buttocks are painful, I want to take a car!"! Ride with you! Xiao Duo replied coldly: "No, you ride a horse." "I'm going to take a bus!" He protested in a low voice, and as he protested, he jumped into the carriage first and rushed straight into it. Next to the people, all know that this young master is not that obedient master, who dare to stop it, helplessly watched him rush in. But after Xiao 17 rushed in, his eyes went straight to Ah Yan. But he saw a low couch in the carriage, where his nine elder brothers were sitting, and the one who was hidden in his golden house was leaning on his arms and using him as a blanket. Who are you? Xiao 17 looked at the inkstone curiously and asked in a loud voice. Chapter 67. A Yan is actually quite curious about this little seventeen, from the words of Xiao Duo and this little seventeen just now, she thought that this should be Xiao Duo's younger brother. Perhaps not his own brother, but a prince named Hu Guifei, and this Hu Guifei is obviously quite close to Xiao Duo, so Xiao Duo also watched this seventeen younger brother grow up. Although Xiao Duo did not seem to be concerned about his brother's words, she could not see his temperament. If he really hated it, he would have kicked out of the carriage long ago. How could he be allowed to be presumptuous here. It can be seen that the heart is still tolerant and like, but the face pretends to be cold. Small 17 see a Yan from Xiao Duo's bosom probe to look at himself, the moment also close to the past, so two people are open bright eyes curiously looking at each other. A Yan found that the seventeen princes are really beautiful, if the appearance, Xiao Duo is naturally handsome, but he is too cold, and because of those bloody memories of the past, people are always afraid, and the seventeen princes are born with peach blossom eyes,long span shelving, speaking with two dimples on his lips, with his ice-like skin, is really a natural beauty blank. Too bad he's a man.
