How to Master the Basic Fundamentals of Life and Success

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so making this record is a special privilege and i'll do my best in this short space of time to pass along to you a distillation of more than 20 years of research on why some people seem to do so well in life while others do not this information has changed my life and the lives of t

 I would like you to remember this successful people are not people without problems they have as a rule just as many problems and largely the same kind as everyone else the difference is that they learn to solve their problems successful living is nothing more than the ability to solve successfully the problems which are as much a part of living as breathing the degree of our success will be determined by the extent to which we can solve our problems so now that we've defined the problem let me make this statement if you can tell me what you want i can tell you how to get it the problem with the great majority of individuals is not with their ability to achieve their goals in life but rather with the failure to understand two factors vital to successful living the first is to make the decision as to what it is we want enough to give.

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 it most of our attention until it's been achieved and to clearly define it and the second is to fully understand that we have the ability to achieve this goal or we wouldn't want it in the first place the next vital rule to successful living is to understand that our success is won or lost by our ability to serve others we are interdependent and it's just as impossible to succeed without serving others as it would be to live in our modern world without others serving us our rewards in life will and must always be in exact proportion to our service it is the misunderstanding of this single law which in my mind is responsible for fully ninety percent of the frustration and discontent we see around us in your mind's eye get a picture of a giant apothecary scale the kind with the cross arm from which hang two large bowls on chains one of the bowls is marked rewards the other service these bowls will always be in perfect balance a lot of people don't like this law .

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if they're even aware of it but not liking a law does nothing to change it the basic laws of nature and economics are unchanging if we're out of step with them we are as thomas huxley put it checkmated without haste but without remorse but to those who know and work with the laws he said they are paid with the overflowing sort of generosity with which the strong delight in strength now there are two kinds of rewards or income one is psychic the other is real or tangible such as money or property if a person doesn't like his income all he has to do is take a good long look at his service the fact that the many individuals in the fields of science religion teaching and so on must measure most of their rewards in the realm of the psychic does nothing to alter the fact that their rewards will be in exact proportion to their service look where you will you will find this law in undeviating operation our rewards will always be in exact proportion to our servers good examples of this are world book and child craft the fact that your company is the world's largest publisher of reference material is based solely on the fact that its products have found the widest acceptance and have been sold to more individuals .
