Lost Ark: A Quick Guide Of Hanuman Guardian Raid

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Lost Ark: A Quick Guide Of Hanuman Guardian Raid

This article is a quick guide to Hanuman, the angry monkey. We’ll review the mechanics you should know and give some suggestions. Learn various tests by reading the content. Let’s enter into it.

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Battle Items

You should prepare these battle items:

Number 1: Flare

Number 23: Pheromone Bomb

Number 4: Destruction Bomb

Buff Stacks

Before you satisfy the monkey, you need to know that you can get buff stacks up to 40. It can be gained by striking the monkey, also it can be lowered by getting hit by the monkey.

This buff provides you with a more crit chance and lowers your cooldowns, so dodge attacks to sustain the buff.

Also, using pheromone bombs will help you to sustain the buff you already stacked.

Three-Part Destruction

Fighting Hanumaten, an overall total of three destruction needs to be done to prevent the dangerous attack.

Destruction moments appear after specific patterns, so you should know which one arrives before the destruction timing. You don’t have to memorize them whatsoever, so don’t worry.

As you encounter the boss, stay behind or near the boss to dodge basic patterns. By the way, if you wish to kill the boss easier, using Lost Ark Gold to equip yourself can help you a lot. Buy lost ark gold at professional lost ark gold shop MMOWTS, with constant delivery along with a safe deal!

1st Part Destruction

First part destruction: the boss slams the floor and the blue effect arrives. Counterattack the boss. Then the destruction mark appears. The first destruction requires low destruction rates, so only use one or two skills that have a destructive impact on it.

If your party has failed destruction or otherwise, another chance is offered. If the boss reaches a particular HP, the stagger bar appears below the boss and also the boss attacks in four directions. Stagger the boss free of charge DPS, and soon the boss leaves.

So, # 2 should throw a pheromone bomb as stagger begins. Using the pheromone bomb, Hanumaten returns, slamming the floor. Get out of the fog after which come back in.

2nd Part Destruction

Moving around to the second part destruction. The boss charges energy for any skill that appears like soul fists ult. Don’t attack the boss as it’s a reflected pattern.

Soon, the blue effect arrives. Counterattack the boss and destruct the monkey. A second chance is offered afterward. The boss creates dangerous zones with wind, ice, or flame.

Dodge those attacks and stagger the boss. Counterattack immediately after the stagger. Then another chance is offered.

3rd Part Destruction

The third part is destruction. The boss roars and grabs players at the front. If someone got grabbed, counterattack after three normal attacks. Keep far before three normal attacks. A destruction mark appears following the counterattack.

Number four should toss the destruction bomb immediately. If destruction is performed well following the grab pattern, the following pattern becomes a great deal easier. Three punches consecutively and a counterattack

However, should you fail the grab pattern or when the pattern was skipped, this occurs. The boss punches five times consecutively with flame or ice. Run toward the leading dogging flame or ice. Counterattack the fist following the fifth punch free of charge DPS timing.

The last destruction must be completed to safely defeat the monkey. Number four must toss the destruction bomb when the grab pattern was skipped.

Turn White

Then, the monkey will turn white. Smash the spacebar to resolve the imprisonment pattern and get rid of the monkey.

If party DPS is above average, there won't be any other mechanics, but basic patterns.

Green Symbol Pattern

However, if DPS is low, one easy mechanic is added. White monkey draws green symbols that move about. Step around the moving symbol to outlive.
