Tiehan Jiaowa

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How many disciples does she have? I slightly way: "You're wrong.

Eight female at this time did not think of, the car war has already used the fastest flying skills to patrol the whole valley back, but people secretly cover to the mouth of the cave, just heard the women speak, especially Aishan said that one can not escape, see him very happy, afraid of the women to see, turn around and go to the bamboo house. Ji Cuiyu ordered: "We're going to the bamboo house to prepare for the meal. Thank you for this meal!" "Hello!"! Why hasn't Zhan come back? Harald asked Yu Weiwei. I slightly way: "You are a princess and have never cooked food. Go and look for him and ask him to come back for dinner." "I know how to make a fire," said Harald. Ji Cuiyu laughed. "It's not easy to burn a fire. A layman can't burn it, but there's a lot of smoke. You'd better call Ah Zhan!" The chariot battle had already come back, but the eight girls didn't know it. Then he slipped away again, only to see him sitting beside a stream in a flower-and-grass valley! Harald walked out of the bamboo house and shouted as he walked. Within twenty feet,Magnesium Oxide price, he saw the chariot battle at a glance. He couldn't help saying, "Ah Zhan, this is a little far away. You don't have ears?" Che Zhan saw her approaching and reached out to hold her and said with a smile: "Look, Princess, how beautiful this place is!" "Go back to the bamboo house quickly,Magnesium Oxide MgO," Harar said. "Everyone is preparing food." Che Zhan suddenly hugged her in his arms and said with a smile, "Good morning!" Harald hurriedly struggling way: "Let go!"! Be careful that the enemy sees it. Car war laughed. "I've made my rounds and there's no movement around." Harald urgent way: "If you let go, you must be careful that your sisters see it!" Che Zhan didn't manage so much. He hugged him tightly and kissed him all the time. Harald was picked up and his whole body fluctuated. "Zhan!" He said. No "" Car war gently tunnel: "We're not leaving tonight!" Harar way: "Cuiyu had expected that she would not be able to escape tonight. Do you really have that much ability?" Car war way: "The magic skill I practice is different!" "Weiwei and Yingji are guarding the cave tonight," said Harar with a smile. Car war chuckles: "They can't run away!" Harald suddenly broke away from the chariot and said with a giggle, "You sit here. I'll go and see if they have finished cooking." Harald ran back to the bamboo hut, where everyone was talking and laughing. "Is the meal ready?" He shouted? Zhan is by the stream, and he is at his ease. Ji Cuiyu knows the car war best, only to see her watching Harald chuckled: "Princess, is he not honest?" Harald glared at her and said: "It's all you advanced people who have corrupted him!" When the girls heard this, Magnesium Oxide MgO ,Mono Ammonium Phosphate MAP, they burst into laughter! Harald pointed to Bai Jiao and Yin Ainu: What are you two laughing at? It's almost your turn! Finish the meal, slightly to Ji Cuiyu way: "It's up to you to drag Ah Zhan here!"! They and I took advantage of this time to examine the bamboo house and the back hole in detail, so as not to go wrong at night. Ji Cuiyu said, "Are you afraid there are strange things hidden in the secret cave?" Jiang Ying Ji way: "The Great Desire Demon Aunt is not a person to be trifled with. I'm afraid she's not here for a short time. She can't be without a name." Zhuang pity way: "This is not like the residence of the demon aunt herself. It is obviously the residence of the young witches." I slightly way: "You're right. The old demon has another lair, but it won't be too far away. If there is a secret passage, it will be launched by the enemy at night when the war is making trouble. Let's think about it. What kind of scene is that?" "Don't worry!"! I won't show my wife naked to any outsiders. Although there is no secret passage in the back cave, there will be no peace in the valley at night. The car war came in from the layman. I slightly urgent asked: "You found something?" Car war way: "Nothing has been found, but the body of the Great Desire Fairy has disappeared." The female smell speech, face the feeling of surprise, more than slightly way: "Did the demon of lust move away?" Car war nodded: "There are signs that she moved due north, and the time proves that her lair is not far north, and she will come tonight.". ” I slightly way: "Let's eat quickly. If she wants to take revenge, she's definitely not the only one, otherwise she won't dare." Eight women and one man sat around a big bamboo table. Che Zhan asked, "Ah Wei, have you checked? Is there anything wrong with the food before cooking?" I smiled and said: "You can rest assured that there will be no ecstasy." Car war ha ha laughed. "If I were mentioned, the eight beauties would not escape now." When the eight girls heard this, they all chuckled. Ji Cuiyu said, "In that case, the Demon Lady of Desire has really helped us a lot!"! If she does come tonight, the eight of us will show mercy. Car war laughed. "You want to show mercy?"? I'm afraid you have to do your best. Think about it. How many disciples does she have? I slightly way: "You're wrong. If she had used her apprentice, she wouldn't have run away just now, and she wouldn't have brought her apprentice to battle again." Car war way: "Yes!"! What help does she have? Yu Weiwei said, "She can't do without colluding with the Arctic faction, but I don't know whether it's Gu Tianying or Mrs. Xuanbing. Maybe it's neither." Car war way: "There is a third Arctic faction!" I slightly way: "Don't forget that Gu Bufan is the real Arctic faction. Before we came here, there were seven old people following us. Gu Tianying didn't have any people around her, and Mrs. Xuanbing didn't have any people around her. Who else can control those old people besides Gu Bufan?" "So the situation tonight is very serious," said Jiang Yingji. Car war way: "No matter what, only four people are allowed to attack tonight. Weiwei,potassium sulphate fertilizer, Yingji and Aishan will attack and defend half of the enemy. If the enemy is strong, you three will be responsible for the safety of Ji Cuiyu. Only in this way can I rest assured." Harar way: "How many strong enemies can we pin down?" Car war way: "No!"! You are not even allowed to leave the bamboo house. I slightly way: "How do you really feel?"? Is the strength of the enemy so great? Car war way: "You know, there were two more guests in my bag by the stream just now." I was slightly frightened track: "Could it be that the Scorpion with Three Tails has found his wife?" Che Zhan nodded:. stargrace-magnesite.com
