He is duplicitous.

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Of course, they will beat you more severely than your classmates. After that, they will have to help you find a school.

At parting, I took another look at Niko. He finally took off his mask and looked back at her timidly, with something twinkling in his eyes. In fact, children are also able to disguise, accustomed to using tough and bad appearance to protect their fragile and injured heart, thinking that this will not be attacked and hurt, in fact, often contrary to their wishes. Monday. Fang Shuning drove Niko to her school. Kristy, won't you come in with me? She shakes shake one's head: "You go in first, I wait a little while to look for you." Niko looked at her hesitantly. Fang Shuning suddenly said, "Niko, when you are subjected to violence and unfair treatment, you have to learn to fight back. If you accept it meekly, you will only be bullied for a lifetime." "But I can't beat them." His voice has gone down. Then you have to learn to make yourself stronger, and when you are strong, no one dares to bully you again. You may not be able to do it for a while because you are too young now, so before that, you need to seek help from others. Who is the person you trust most? Niko buried his head and said nothing. Who is the person closest to you? He still did not answer. You may not answer, but you should know that Marion is the one who loves you most. "She doesn't love me at all!" Niko suddenly shouted back. She loves you. Fang Shuning's tone is steady. "She's just too busy. When she comes back this time,disc air diffuser, I'll have a good talk with her." Niko's expression. She patted him on the shoulder. "Okay, go in." Fang Shuning watched Niko enter the school gate, fell back in his chair, took a sip of coffee slowly, then took out his cell phone, sent a few pictures to Marion on the plane, pushed the door and got off. Niko stood at the door of the classroom for a full minute,lamella clarifer, as if to cheer himself up, clenched his fist and walked slowly to his seat. No one looked at him on the way, and it seemed that he was not noticed at all. With a sigh of relief, he pulled out his chair and was about to sit down when a hand came out of nowhere to make trouble. He sat down and fell to the ground. The whole class burst into laughter. The eyes hidden in the dark finally fell on him and enjoyed his embarrassment unscrupulously. Niko bit her lip and tried to stand up, but suddenly she got a kick in the back and a voice sounded. Little bastard, are you here so early today? He used to step on the spot before he dared to come in. Niko did not answer, the man did not give up, took out an iron ruler to greet him, he resisted, his hand was stepped on by the other foot. How dare this little bastard resist?! There was another voice, which seemed to be surprised and excited. The two men worked together to press him to the ground and were about to commit violence when the back collar of his clothes was suddenly lifted, and then a strong force pulled them up, without stopping, all the way to the dark corner of the corridor. Fang Shuning threw them on the ground and shook off his sour hands, Mechanical fine screen ,rapid sand filters, thinking that thanks to my mother's diligence in lifting iron at ordinary times. The two boys looked at each other in surprise and looked at her at the same time. Fang Shuning wore a pair of crab mirrors, covering most of her face, with bright red lips, a black windbreaker three centimeters above her ankles, and eight centimeters of high-heeled shoes that were crisp and loud. She looks like a female agent, and she is very ferocious. She folded her hands, her sunglasses half faded, and looked quietly at the two kids in front of her. The two children trembled at her cool eyes, and the tall one turned to run, but she stretched out a foot and tripped to the ground. Run for what? Tall schoolboy asks aloud: "You who you?!" Fang Shuning chuckled, "I'm here to take care of you two idiots." The shorter one refused to lose: "You curse!"! I want to tell the teacher! "I will not only scold you, but also beat you." Fang Shuning said faintly, "You can sue the teacher. By the way, I can also tell you about bullying your classmates." When did we bully our classmates! Don't spit at people! Yo, still quibbling. Fang Shuning took out her cell phone, operated it a few times, and turned the screen to them. Idiots, I'm sorry, sister, I recorded it. The two children looked at each other and wanted to reach out to grab it. Fang Shuning only had to stand up straight to avoid it. She reminded them in a cold voice, "If you rob me, you will be beaten.". ” Although she kept saying she wanted to beat them, she didn't fight with two little kids. She was here to teach them how to be human. If I send this video to your principal and teachers, guess what? The two children don't speak. She continued slowly: "You will be criticized by the whole school, and maybe you will be expelled. When you get home, your parents will beat you. Of course, they will beat you more severely than your classmates. After that, they will have to help you find a school. But I guess no school dares to accept you. Then you have to be beaten again. You can't get out of bed for three days." He could only hide in the quilt and wipe his tears secretly, and when the wound was healed, he continued to fight. Fang Shuning himself felt that this was really terrible. The two children looked at her in a daze, and the tall one was the first to react: "You're talking nonsense!" "Don't believe it?"? Then I'll send it. Don't! Don't! They reached out and pulled her. I finally know I'm in a hurry. Fang Shuning ignored it and bent over slowly. His eyes were cold. "Did you force Niko to drink ink?" There was timidity in their eyes and they dared not answer. She took out a full bottle of ink from her bag, took one of them by the hand, put it in his palm, and said softly, "Come on, I've prepared it for you, and you can try it." The man's hands trembled and he refused to answer. Don't you drink? Fang Shunning nodded, "that's all right." She takes out a bottle of water again, it is the balsam pear juice that ordered specially last night, real material, personally measure huge bitter. Then drink this. The other breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that he had no share. The next second, Fang Shuning said to him, "And you." Not only these two people,Wall Penstocks, she prepared for everyone, full of two large boxes, piled up at the door of the classroom. She learned this trick from Bai Chi. khnwatertreatment.com
