The president's blind date lover

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The president's blind date loverThe president's blind date loverThe president's blind date loverThe president's blind date lover

Such a close distance, such an intimate action, only between lovers, right? Listening to his even breathing, his rhythmic heartbeat, and his familiar smell, she wondered if she was intoxicated with the feeling, and when she thought about it, she felt like jumping up. Can no longer linger in this feeling, her reason slowly came back, gently pulled away his hand, who knows but he held tightly, unable to move. Helplessly, he had to move his body and try to break away from his embrace. Who knows, he was afraid that his treasure would be taken away when he was sleeping soundly. His powerful arms were as strong as iron tongs. Where could he break away? Had to harden the heart, hard to earn, Lin Muping was suddenly awakened, both hands tightly a hug, gently called: "Yuwei?" Chu Yuwei frowned and whispered, "You let go, I.." I have to go to the bathroom. Just as Chu Yuwei came out of the bathroom,High Torque 12v Dc Motor, she found that her mother had woken up leisurely. She opened her eyes wide and murmured, "Yuwei, I want to go home and cook for your father!" "Mom!" Chu Yuwei heart a sour, sobbed and said: "Dad has gone, he." He can't come back. "Why didn't he come back?" Asked Wu Meiyu in surprise? Is he still in the company? Chu Yuwei surprised to look at the mother in front of her, do not know what to say, is the mother amnesia? Didn't she know that Dad had left us for good last night? Lin Muping looked at Chu Yuwei doubtfully and asked uncertainly, "Is Aunt Wu too sad?"? Chu Yuwei felt even more sad and burst into tears. She hugged Wu Meiyu and cried,Small Dc Gear Motor, "Mom, don't scare me!"! Don't scare me! Lin Mu Ping called the doctor, who turned over her eyelids, listened to the heartbeat, frowned and said: "The patient should be a temporary mental disorder caused by excessive grief. We should pay attention to her reaction and take care of her carefully. I will give her some medicine first, and then come back to confirmatory test in two days." Chu Yuwei's heart suddenly seems to fall into the ice kiln, the whole body is cool! As soon as my father left, my mother went insane. Oh, my God! What should she do? Why did God play such a trick on her? Lin Muping said, "You hold Aunt Wu first, and I'll go through the formalities. I'll send you home later." Chu Yuwei looked at him gratefully, and for the first time felt that the man in front of her was so worthy of her dependence. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chu Yuwei looked at her father's posthumous photo, and her heart could not be calm for a long time. Father has passed away for three days, with the help of Lin Muping, Small Geared Motors ,Parallel Shaft Gearbox, she smoothly handled his funeral, but the sad mother became absent-minded because of his father's departure, with mild symptoms of mental disorder. Chu Yuwei silently said to his father: "Dad, you can rest assured!"! From today on, I will be a strong girl and take the responsibility of taking care of my mother! At this point, the doorbell was rang, who is it? Chu Yuwei thought in surprise. Open the security door, a look, the original is two unknown men. Chu Yuwei looked at them warily, and one of the men said politely, "Hello, is this Chu Jiyuan's home?" Chu Yuwei nodded and said, "Chu Jiyuan is my father. What's the matter?" "I am the director of XX Bank. My surname is Zhang. This is lawyer Li. This is our work permit." The man in a black suit showed Chu Yuwei a valid work certificate. Chu Yuwei nodded and said faintly, "My father just passed away.." Director Zhang nodded apologetically and said, "We already know about this, so we came to explain something to Miss Chu today." "What is it?" Chu Yuwei still doesn't quite understand. Can we go inside and talk? Director Zhang asked. Chu Yuwei looks like they are not bad people, moreover, just now oneself also checked their documents, should be able to open the door to let them in? After a moment's hesitation, he opened the door and let them in. Miss Chu, your father borrowed 2 million RMB from our bank a month ago due to business difficulties. Now, after investigation, we have learned that your father passed away in the past few days. Therefore, it is necessary for us to make it clear to Miss Chu that your father owes our bank 2 million yuan, which will expire soon. I hope Miss Chu will come to our bank to pay off the money within the time specified in the document. This is the signing of the relevant documents. Please have a look.. Chu Yuwei looked at several documents on the table, yes, it was his father's signature, but when did his father have a difficult business turnover? How come I never heard him mention it? RMB 2 million! As soon as Chu Yuwei thought of this number, she felt a chill rising in her chest. She said with difficulty, "I will find a way to pay back the money within the prescribed time." "Well, I hope Miss Chu's word is as good as nine tripods!"! However, according to our investigation, the project invested by Mr. Chu Jiyuan has failed, and the Jianmin Real Estate Development Company he is currently running is facing the danger of bankruptcy. Excuse me, where will Miss Chu get such a large sum of money to repay this huge sum? What did you say? My father's company is going bankrupt? Chu Yuwei was taken aback. This is absolutely true! Director Zhang looked at her with some sympathy, and the poor woman did not know that she had a huge debt of 2 million yuan. Therefore, according to the relevant regulations signed by our bank and Mr. Chu Jiyuan before, if Miss Chu is unable to repay her debts, our bank will confiscate all the assets under Mr. Chu's reputation, that is to say, his company, including the house you live in now, we will confiscate all of them. Chu Yuwei gasped! If they can't repay 2 million yuan in a month, it means that their family will lose the company that their father has been painstakingly building, and the most worrying thing is that they will lose the house they live in now. They will not only be homeless, but also have nothing and become poor and indebted! Chu Yuwei felt that the world was spinning, and she could hardly believe that fate would play such a cruel joke on her. Within a few days,12 Volt Motor With Gearbox, her life had undergone a series of great changes: her father died, her mother went mad, and she was in debt.
