Jade on the brocade

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Jade on the brocadeJade on the brocadeJade on the brocadeJade on the brocadeJade on the brocade

In the middle of the walk, someone in a good mood even pinched a beautiful chrysanthemum on the edge of the plate as a decoration. Here, eat! Wen Yuer put the fragrant chicken wings on the Kang table of the arhat bed. Gao Lin clearly hooked his lips, and he said that the chicken wings were strange. Normally speaking, according to the temperament of this idiot, how could he be so easy to talk to? He sent the chicken wings to him, and threw them on the small ones at the door in the morning. Eyebrows a pick, eyes flashed a ray of light, "the king suddenly lost his appetite, this chicken wing reward you!" Gao Lin coughed with one hand against his lips and pressed down a trace of pride in the corner of his eyes. See? You have a good plan, I have a wall ladder, who calculated who is not sure! "Don't take it away, finish it here!" The blue veins on Wen Yuer's forehead jumped, and the worms in her stomach, ah, knew everything in her heart. What do you call this? Dig a hole and bury yourself? Her look frankly picked up a chicken wing, in fact, the heart has long been frowning high. Gao Lin's eyes, tightly staring at Wen Yuer's face, for fear of missing any subtle expression, only to see her eating chicken wings in small bites, elegant and smooth movements, and seems to enjoy the delicious chicken wings. Did you guess wrong? Gao Lin touched his chin and looked puzzled. Whoa! So spicy, so tingling! This sour taste, who eats who knows. In the heart of the jade son, already tears flow into a stream, but there is no little show on the face, even if hot to death, also want to drag Gao Lin that goods to cushion the back. Are you oversensitive? Looking at someone who was eating happily on the opposite side, Gao Lin held his chin and thought about it. He couldn't help but put his finger into the bowl and fished out a chicken wing. The fish took the bait! Eat "is happy" Wen Yuer, Yu Guang saw this scene, quietly hooked his lips. As soon as Gao Lin went down,large artificial blossom trees, the two sword eyebrows were squeezed together, and Wen Yuer had already jumped off the arhat bed, "Wow!"! Small (good) spicy, spicy thin (dead) me! The tongue is numbed by the spicy flowers. Busy poured a cup of tea, looked up and poured into the mouth, even poured seven or eight cups of tea, that a spicy taste has not dissipated. Gao Lin looked at Wen Yuer, who was so hot that she jumped, and really wanted to ask her if it was worth it to make himself look like this in order to deceive him? However, that plate of chicken wings still became Gaolin's Chinese food. It was cold in the northwest, and people were used to eating chili peppers since childhood. The more spicy they were, the more delicious they were. Moreover, this plate of chicken wings was spicy and sweet with honey. The more they ate, the more delicious they were. They had the momentum to swallow them together with the plate. Only Wen Yuer, who had drunk a lot of water, looked up at the sky and sighed, "God, artificial plant wall panels ,outdoor ficus tree, you take this evil!" Chapter 193 re-enter the bosom. In the autumn wind, the annual autumn hunting was ushered in again. The two brothers and sisters of the cloud family went to the hunting ground, but Gao Lin found a reason to stay and continue to grind, without paying the cheap servant girl for the month. Wen Yuer also called Gao Lin difficult for a day, of course, also recovered a lot of interest, fell asleep at night, even forgot to close the window, called the cold wind blowing, the next day when I opened my eyes, I felt dazed, the tables and chairs in the room were shaking in front of me. The bones of the whole body seem to have been crushed by a stone roller. They are sore and painful. They can't lift any strength. Look at this posture. It's a cold! Sure enough, the same voice of the system sounded in my ears, "The host has a high fever of 41 degrees. In order to make the host better and complete other tasks assigned by the system, now the system issues a task to the host to cook a bowl of cold-dispelling medicinal soup for itself." Wen Yuer: "… …" Can you still get up and cook soup for yourself like this? Forget it, let's sleep for a while! As soon as I slept, I slept in the dark. Gao Lin got up early in the morning and practiced on the martial arts field. After taking a bath and having breakfast, he didn't see anyone coming to report for duty. Hey! Really, the master has been busy all morning, and this "servant" is still sleeping, is that right? Gao Lin rolled up his sleeves and broke into Wen Yuer's room to pull her up from the bed. There seemed to be something wrong with the man on the bed, the half of his face that was not black was so red that he could cook shrimp, the sweat on his forehead, and the wet bangs stuck to his forehead. Gao Lin stretched out his hand and touched it. It was so hot! He hastened to send someone to ask the imperial physician to fetch water himself. He sat at the head of the bed and carefully wiped her forehead. Water Water In the lips of Wen Yuer's skin, two words came out gently. Gao Lin quickly dipped a fine cotton cloth in water and gently smeared it on her chapped lips. Wen Yuer subconsciously licked her lips, and Gao Lin hurriedly dipped a fine cotton cloth in water and smeared it on her lips. Burning in a daze, Wen Yuer felt uncomfortable in her throat like a fire, felt the wetness on her lips, and licked her tongue. Gao Lin simply sat down at the head of the bed, held her half in his arms, held her chin, and carefully fed her water spoonful by spoonful. Not long after, Gao Qiuqiang pulled the grey-bearded Zhao Yuyi and stumbled in with a medicine box. When he learned that the patient was a servant girl, Zhao Yuyi's beard was crooked, which noble family asked him to see a doctor, not to take the name of the post politely? This is good, early in the morning in a hurry without saying a word, halfway cut him over, unexpectedly just for a servant girl? But seeing Gao Lin holding the water in his arms, he knew that it was a face in front of his master. He hung down the curtain and felt his pulse. It was just a common cold. He bowed his head and wrote a prescription to Gao Qiu, and told him a few words. Pack up the medicine box before leaving, in the end can not help but look curiously, almost did not let the threshold to mix the fall to death. What the hell? Zhao Yuyi felt that he had discovered a great secret. People said that the king of Qin was not good at women. This was not good. It was clear that the taste was unique and different! Boiled the medicine, Gao Qiu took the servant girl Hongqiu to send over, can not call him a big man, to feed the black girl medicine. Red autumn is carrying medicine bowl to come to bedside, the heart way this ugly wench is still asleep, how does this medicine taste? Gao Lin, who had just come back from changing the basin of water, saw it and naturally took the medicine bowl from her hand. As if he had just fed water, he gently lifted her head, pillowed it on his legs,silk olive tree, picked up a spoonful of medicine, blew it around his mouth, and gently fed it into her mouth after the temperature was moderate. hacartificialtree.com
