Gu ZhenrenGu ZhenrenGu ZhenrenGu ZhenrenGu ZhenrenGu Zhenren

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Gu ZhenrenGu ZhenrenGu ZhenrenGu ZhenrenGu ZhenrenGu Zhenren

They were attacked by a large group of six-legged crocodiles. Unfortunately, it turned out that the shoal was a spawning ground for the six-legged crocodiles. After being completely destroyed, the six-legged crocodiles that had occupied the place were also destroyed. Between the herds, there is also a division of power. It turns out that the owner of this site is dead. This terra nullius naturally attracted the attention of several groups of six-legged crocodiles around it. Just as they were about to spread their power here, the pursuit team of the Iron Family landed. What dares to intrude into our territory? "This territory belongs to my six-legged crocodiles!" "You want to rob my territory and die." The beast's idea of territory is inviolable. As a result, a war broke out, and under the siege of two thousand herds and three hundred herds, the Iron Family lost two people and was forced to flee. Fang yuan's means of dealing with traces are quite sophisticated. As a result, their pursuit has not been able to make effective progress. With the help of the insect, they finally found out the direction of Fang yuan's progress. Then came the nightmare of color. A Xuanyuan chicken fell from the sky and stared at them, recognizing them as food. Now, the whole escape process is deeply buried in the heart of Tie Aotian. The figure of Xuanyuan Shenji became the culprit that he woke up from his dream every night. Xuanyuan chicken took the lives of their three companions. Among them are their most professional reconnaissance bewitching division, as well as three defensive bewitching divisions. The losses were quite heavy. Nowadays, the bewitching masters in charge of reconnaissance all take turns to be guest stars. Despite suffering such a heavy blow, Tie Aotian did not want to give up. He is the fourth son of the iron family, with first-class qualifications,Quercetin Dihydrate Manufacturer, and has been placed high hopes from childhood to adulthood. He practiced hard and inherited the strong and resolute character of the iron family. Supporting the iron-blooded and cold-blooded father and daughter is his first official mission out of the mountains. However, he only saved Tie Ruonan, and the God killed Tie Xueleng. There is a considerable gap between this and his ideal result. But what a success it would be if he hunted down the remnants of the evil way inherited from the sea of blood and avenged the cold blood of iron. Such credit will be transformed into his capital to compete for the position of patriarch in the future. So that he can get more support from his people. He is not worried about the strength of the remaining demons. In the process of tracking, they have found from the clues that the fighting power of Fang yuan and Bai Ningbing is limited, perhaps because they are injured, which is only equivalent to the fighting power of a three-turn bewitching master. Although the loss of many companions,Berberine Hydrochloride Factory, but I am three turns, and the iron knife is also three turns. In addition to the coordination of the other two Erzhuan bewitching masters, the strength of the two men was firmly overwhelmed. Once I get the rest of the evil way, the loss of personnel before will also be a proof of my good qualities such as perseverance and never giving up! Tie Ao Tian's eyes sparkled. Four childe, the front and found some trace. It seems that the direction of our pursuit is not wrong! At this time, the bewitching master in charge of reconnaissance came back to report. Oh? Take me to see it. In the time it took for a cup of tea, two deep pits were dug up, exposing a large pile of hula monkey bones. Less than a week after these hula monkeys died, Childe, it looks like we're going to catch up with those two guys! Iron knife bitter surprise tunnel. Tie Aotian took a deep breath, and his expression was suddenly excited! "Finally, Berberine Hydrochloride Factory ,Quillaja Saponin, it's done." He clenched his fists and paced excitedly. He looked up at the western sky, and the sunset reflected on his young face, and his eyes were shining. All the patience and efforts have not been in vain, and now the result is finally coming! "Although the sun is about to set, I see the future and hope from it." He sighed deeply in his heart and suddenly became interested in climbing the hillside and enjoying the wonderful moment. Several bewitching masters around him looked at him with admiration and admiration. Four childe, after all is four childe! Along the way, we all had the idea of giving up. Only the four childe has been insisting, and now finally to get the fruit. "From the fourth son, I see the hope of the family and a bright future." "I will follow the fourth son in this life, and I will be unswerving!" Several people watched Tie Aotian climb up the hillside slowly, and for a moment they were all crazy. They seemed to see the scene of Tie Aotian ascending to the position of patriarch step by step in the future. Then in the next moment, a violent explosion suddenly occurred. Boom!!! (To be continued.) (To be continued). ) Section 16: Fang yuan shed tears. Bai Moxing is sixty-eight years old this year. At this age, I should have retired. But Baijiazhai has been in a bad situation these years. As the uncle of the patriarch and an important official in his family, he has been devoting himself to his work and doing his best, unable to get away. At the critical moment of the family's survival, he led the order out of the mountain, and during the March, he unexpectedly found the breath of two bewitching masters. Is it the Demon Master? This action, for hundreds of families, is of great significance and can not be lost. He led the team to come at the first time. It was two teenagers? After seeing Fang yuan and Bai Ningbing, he couldn't help feeling a little surprised. As soon as his eyes swept, he first stopped on Bai Ningbing's body. Bai Ningbing's face was frosty, his eyes were cold, his blue eyes were staring at Bai Moxing without fear, and his three-turn breath was undoubtedly revealed. At such a young age, he is already a genius! Not only is Bai Moxing, the other three people looked at Bai Ningbing, the heart all came up with this idea. For a moment, four pairs of eyes were focused on Bai Ningbing. White congeals the ice to transform the female body, the appearance is beautiful, shows a cold breath, makes her like the ice and snow fairy. Even though she was a little discomfited, she did not hide her pearl-like brilliance. It can even set off her strong and unyielding nature, which makes people admire and love her. Compared with her, Fang yuan behind her was much dimmer. Fang yuan's appearance is ordinary, and he is just a turn. Many people's eyes swept over him and turned back to Bai Ningbing. Fang yuan was happy to see his success,Kava Root Extract, and he wished these people would pay less attention to him. But Bai Moxing is different. Soon, he turned his eyes to Fang yuan. Bai Ningbing protected Fang yuan with a desperate posture. Although Fang yuan hid behind Bai Ningbing, his eyes were quiet.
